Malachi 3:10

Why would God, who created it all, need you to give back to Him? He doesn’t. He doesn’t need your coins or your actions, He wants your heart and obedience, and because He’s told us to care for the poor, to bring our offerings into the storehouse, to feed the sheep, we do what He tells us to, because He cares for us, and our obedience is always for our good.

Therefore we don’t give for a reward, but as a sign of a heart that belongs to God, and in faith that God won’t allow us to to go hungry, for He cares for us and provides for our needs.

Practically, some of us didn’t grow up giving to the church or tithing, so the best place to start is to establish a budget, that faithfully lives within the provisions God has blessed you with. Within that budget, begin to establish a portion, your first fruits, as an offering to God with a thankful heart for who He is and where He has called you to. It is important that you do this with a cheerful heart, not fabricating cheerfulness, but praying for insight as to the places that makes your heart move, and support those causes.

As a congregation and a church, we hold to the model of tithing, or giving 10% of what we earn back to the church or those in need. Members are encouraged to tithe to Emmanuel, as Emmanuel tithes to the Diocese, and the Diocese tithes to the Province. It is the collection of offerings and tithes that we build our budget to operate as a place that serves you and your family in the good times and the more difficult times.

As you make your way towards cheerful giving, know that the Lord will bless your faithfulness to Him. Maybe you need to start at 1% and move your way forward. Regardless, let the process be a prayerful one. Seek the wisdom of God, but let there be no doubt: He is God of all creation. You’re giving back to Him what is already His will not rob you, rather hear Him: “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the LORD of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.”

Matthew 6:21

Giving is an essential act of discipleship, for where your treasure is, your heart will be also.

1 Chronicles 29:10-19

As you and I give, we fashion our hearts to be utterly dependent upon God for His provision. All things come from Him, and it’s His we’re giving back to Him


At Emmanuel, we believe it is ridiculously important to be as transparent with our finances as possible, and to steward them in a way that is responsible and faithful.

Our resources are managed by a board of 7, called the Vestry or Bishop’s council. These people are of the congregation, who serve 3 year terms and make the fiscal decisions for the congregation. At any point, a question about the budget can be brought to one of the members of the Bishop’s council.

Support our ministry by giving online.

At Emmanuel, we recognize our tithe as the beginning of generosity. Grow with us! When we really think about it, God’s request for simply 10% of what we earn is quite generous, as we believe it is all God’s anyway